The Controller's Office serves all campuses in the University of Minnesota system.


All purchasing policies are still in effect. Authorized purchasers still need to discuss acquisition of goods and services with their leadership during this time. Consider whether the resource needed exists on campus and can safely be retrieved before purchasing a new item. Summary of the guidance Purchasing Services has provided.


  • Employee travel costs and COVID-19 March 10, 2023
  • Purchasing Methods & Procedures
  • Process & Policies
  • Forms
  • Supplier Diversity & Sustainability
  • Working with Contracts
  • Enterprise Financial Systems (EFS)     
  • Internal Sales     
  • Prepaid Debit Card     
  • Travel     
  • University-Wide Agreements     
  • U Market     
  • FAQs


  • Doing Business with the University
  • Bid Opportunities
  • 小火箭付费节点不好用
  • Forms
  • Supplier Diversity & Sustainability
  • FAQs


Are the procurement requirements in the uniform guidance in OMB 2.CFR.200.320 applicable to existing and new awards?

The University of Minnesota has chosen to delay implementation of the new procurement requirements in OMB 2.CFR.200.320 until July 1, 2018. All other regulations in OMB 2.CFR.200.320 are applicable to new federal awards issued after December 26, 2014 and may be applicable to existing federal awards depending on agency implementation plans.


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  • 小火箭节点二维码购买
  • February 2017
  • Summer 2016
  • December 2015

If you would like to subscribe to receive "Dollars and Sense" directly to your inbox, please sign up for our Purchasing listserv.


Use this summary to understand the basics of your purchase decision. Additional information about each purchasing method can be found on our Purchasing Methods & Procedures webpage. Employees involved in departmental purchasing are expected to fully read and adhere to all departmental, sponsored, and University policies. Do NOT sign or agree to the supplier’s Terms and Conditions. Because the University is a constitutional function of the State of Minnesota, certain laws and regulations apply to our contracts that do not apply to other customers, so insist on using the University’s Terms and Conditions. Additional information about contracts can be found in the University’s Policy on Entering into Contracts.

Best Practice    Allowable    Allowable but only in rare, specific instances    Unallowable   N/A = Not Available at this time

小火箭免费节点公众号 Example 小火箭免费节点公众号 Internal Sales/ Auxiliaries PO PCard Non-PO Guidelines
Airfare Plane ticket from Delta Airlines N/A N/A 有小火箭稳定的节点吗? - 威锋 - 千万果粉大本营:2021-8-27 · 可伍付费 社区 iPhone 7 正文 有小火箭稳定的节点吗? 发表于: 2021-08-27 21:03:06 来自 iPhone 7 Plus 1259 5 只看楼主 可伍付费 全部回复(5) 只看楼主 正序查看 ...
Animals for Research Laboratory mice or rats Research Animal Resources (RAR) is the only acceptable method.
Books & Subscriptions Text books; magazines, newspapers, or journals N/A Due to the broad types of publications and suppliers, all methods are acceptable.
Architecture & Engineering, Construction, Maintenance, Custodial Services Maintenance and repair services for existing buildings, design or construction of new buildings N/A Contact an FM Zone manager before any work in this category begins at New construction must be approved by CPPM at
Capital Equipment Copy machine, MRI machine, electron telescope Equipment must cost $5,000+ and have a shelf life of at least one year. If a U Market supplier ( cannot be used, a PO is required.
Car Rental Fleet Services; National or Enterprise Car Rental Agencies N/A Use Fleet Services ( if travel is within driving distance. Visit for other car rental discounts.
Carpet Carpeting and installation N/A Shadowrocket官方网站-小火箭免费下载:2021-11-19 · Shadowrocket,小火箭下载,小火箭,Shadowrocket下载,免费Shadowrocket下载,最新版Shadowrocket下载 , 苹果版Shadowrocket下载 ,Shadowrocket官网下载,shadowroket免登陆下载, Shadowrocket Version: 2.1.31 / Size: 16.6 MB ...
Catering Boxed lunches or snacks for events or lunches N/A University Dining Services ( is a preferred supplier. Some facilities or events require a food contract and require OGC approval.
Chemicals Reagents or other chemicals used in labs Contact the Department of Environmental Health and Safety (DEHS) before ordering any chemicals.
vmess节点每天更新 Laptop, desktop computers, or software N/A Departments are expected to use U Market ( whenever possible. Purchases on the PCard may not exceed $2499.
Conference Registration Workshops or conferences N/A N/A Refer to each conference’s procedures for registration and payment.
Furnishings Office chairs or desks N/A These may be included in a facilities project. The PCard is allowable for items unavailable in U Market.
小火箭免费节点 小火箭收费节点 Switch免费游戏《Ninjala》预载开启!6月25日解锁 – ssr节点:提供免费最新SSR节点分享,SS节点账号分享,ssr节点教程,用于科学上网、学习与交流使用。 Switch免费多人对战游戏《Ninjala》今天(6月18日)已经开启了预载,玩家伊已经可伍前往各个区服的eShop区服进行下载,并将于6月25日正式开战。
Maintenance, Supplies (MRO) Padlocks, tools, or cleaning/custodial supplies N/A Departments are expected to purchase MRO supplies from U Market suppliers ( whenever possible.
Office Supplies Paper, pens, or printer supplies Departments are expected to purchase office supplies from U Market suppliers ( whenever possible.
Professional Services Consultants, speakers, or copywriters N/A N/A

Professional services $3,000+ require a contract prior to the start of work; services under $3,000 may be paid via Non-PO payment if the department does not desire a contract. CPPM approval is required for architect or engineering services.

Standard Services [付费应用]Shadowrocket 小火箭,在线安装,iOS已购APP ...:2021-10-19 · 按钮说明 彩色按钮为软件的验证帐号及密码,登录购买可获取。 绿色按钮为在线安装。 功能说明 iPhone手机科学上网工具,目前比较火的SSR工具,操作简单容易上手。 安装教程 在本页面在线安装Shadowrocket,安装完成后打开APP,打开后会要求 ... N/A Look internally first to see if the service is provided by another department. If the service is recurring, use a PO blanket order.

Download Making the Most Common Purchases Guide. (pdf)